Level F is a level that appears in i-Ready Reading and Math lessons. Level F is equivalent to grade 6. Many characters appear in this level, including Dr. Rio, Luna, and others. Older lessons with characters were replaced by new lessons without characters in the school years 2020, 2021, and 2022. The i-Ready Wiki gives this level a high-level classification.
- Level F is the first level in the middle school line, or the last level in the elementary school line, depending on what grade system you use.
- In a Lesson part, Making Inferences About Characters In Literature-Quiz, Level F was replaced with Level 6.
- Since 2019, Curriculum Associates has been phasing out older lessons and moving them to Extra. The new lessons are less time-consuming and have no characters in them. The main reason they did this is that some students did not like the characters talking and wanted to learn without the characters. They have also been doing this for Levels B-H.
- The Lesson “Distance in the Coordinate Plane" pre-teaches the concept taught in the Level H Lesson "Reflections.”
- As of the 2023-2024 school year, some extra lessons have not been replaced, so there are no non-extra lessons involving multiplication of decimals or volume with fractional length.
- Olive appears in every extra reading lesson.
- This is the only level besides a couple of Level E lessons to have old lessons. There are many old lessons and these are all extra.
- This level features the first explicit vocabulary lesson, Vocabulary about Being Brave: Preview 1
- There is an audio error in the quiz of "Volume with Fractional Length" where Dr. Cheeks sounds like Beau.
- This level features the only four-part lesson, "Understanding Plot in Literature" (deleted). It has one tutorial part, two practice parts, and a quiz part.
- This level has the oldest extra lessons of I-Ready.
- Greatest Common Factor (GCF) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Least Common Multiple (LCM) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Practice: GCF and LCM (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Understand the Standard Algorithm for Division (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Divide Whole Numbers Using the Standard Algorithm (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Divide Decimals Using the Standard Algorithm (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Divide Fractions: Whole-Number Quotients (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Divide Fractions: Fractional Quotients (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Divide Fractions: Use an Algorithm (Math) (Mid 6) (Number and Operations)
- Understand Integers (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Order Positive and Negative Numbers (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Understand Absolute Value (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Practice: Positive and Negative Numbers (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Understand the Four-Quadrant Coordinate Plane (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Distance in the Coordinate Plane (Math) (Late 6) (Number and Operations)
- Understand Algebraic Expressions (Math) (Early 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Write and Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (Math) (Early 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Numerical Expressions with Exponents (Math) (Early 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Algebraic Expressions with Exponents (Math) (Early 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Practice: Numerical and Algebraic Expressions (Math) (Early 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Understand Ratio Concepts (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Equivalent Ratios (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Practice: Equivalent Ratios (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Equivalent Ratio Tables (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Graph Equivalent Ratios (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Understand Unit Rate (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solve Problems with Ratios and Unit Rate (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solve Problems with Measurement Conversions (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Understand Percent Concepts (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Find Percent of a Number (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solve Problems with Percent (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Equivalent Expressions and the Distributive Property (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Equivalent Expressions and Properties of Addition (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Practice: Equivalent Expressions (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solutions of Equations (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Write and Solve Addition Equations (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Write and Solve Multiplication Equations (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Practice: Write and Solve Equations (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Analyze Two-Variable Relationships (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Practice: Analyze Two-Variable Relationships (Math) (Mid 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Understand Inequalities (Math) (Late 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Write and Solve Inequalities (Math) (Late 6) (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Understand Statistical Questions (Math) (Early 6) (Measurement and Data)
- Dot Plots (Math) (Early 6) (Measurement and Data)
- Dot Plots and Histograms (Math) (Early 6) (Measurement and Data)
- Median and Quartiles (Math) (Mid 6) (Measurement and Data)
- Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation (Math) (Mid 6) (Measurement and Data)
- Area of Parallelograms (Math) (Late 6) (Geometry)
- Find the Area of Parallelograms (Math) (Most likely Late 6) (Geometry)
- Area of Triangles and Other Polygons (Math) (Late 6) (Geometry)
- Nets and Surface Area (Math) (Late 6) (Geometry)
Deleted Math (pre-August 2019)[]
- Prime Factors (Number and Operations)
- Divide Whole Numbers (Number and Operations)
- Rational Numbers and Absolute Value (Number and Operations)
- Coordinate Plane and Absolute Value (Number and Operations)
- Ratio (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Concept of Rate (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Concept of Percent (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
Deleted Math (pre-August 2020)[]
- Order of Operations and Numerical Expressions (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Algebraic Expressions (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Equivalent Expressions (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solving Equations (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Using Equations to Solve Problems (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Relationships Between Variables and Equations (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
- Solving Inequalities (Algebra and Algebraic Thinking)
Deleted Math (pre-July 2022)[]
- Division of Fractions (Number and Operations)
Extra Math[]
- Multiplication of Decimals (Number and Operations)
- Division of Decimals (Number and Operations)
- Fluently add and subtract decimals (Number and Operations)
- Understanding Statistics (Measurement and Data)
- Box Plots (Measurement and Data)
- Understand Mean and MAD (Measurement and Data)
- Polygons in the Coordinate Plane (Geometry)
- Concepts of Area and Perimeter (Geometry)
- Area of Parallelograms, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons (Geometry)
- Nets and Surface Area (Geometry)
- Volume with Fractional Length (Geometry)
- Vocabulary about Being Brave: Preview 1 (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Identifying Replaced Words and Ideas in Literary Texts (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about Being Brave: Preview 2 (Reading) (Early 6)
- Supporting Inferences: Literary Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about Being Brave: Assess (Reading) (Early 6)
- Inferences in a Historical Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Identifying Replaced Words and Ideas in Informational Text (Reading)
- Supporting Inferences: Informational Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Connecting and Completing Ideas in Literary Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Identifying the Theme (Reading) (Early 6)
- Identifying the Central Idea (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Analyzing Sentence Parts In Literary Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Summarizing: Literary Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about the Mind and Body: Preview 1 (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Analyzing Sentence Parts in Information Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about the Mind and Body: Preview 2 (Reading) (Early 6)
- Summarizing: Informational Text (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about the Mind and Body: Assess (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Literary Text About Solving Problems (Reading) (Early 6)
- Analyzing Plot Development (Reading) (Early 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Literary Text About Family (Reading) (Early 6)
- Analyzing Character Development (Reading) (Early 6)
- Vocabulary about Making a Difference: Preview 1 (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Informational Texts About Youths Solving Problems (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Vocabulary about Making a Difference: Preview 2 (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Development of Indivuals
- Vocabulary about Making a Difference: Assess (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Development of Events (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Literary Texts About a Character's Setting (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Word Choice (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Vocabulary about Inventions: Preview 1 (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Informational Texts About Technology and the Body (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Vocabulary about Inventions: Preview 2 (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Identifying Word Meaning (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Vocabulary about Inventions: Assess (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Problem and Solution Text Structure (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Compare and Contrast Text Structure (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Cause and Effect Text Structure (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Analyzing Chronological Text Structure (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Literary Texts About Grandparents (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Exploring Narrative Point of View (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Informational Texts About How Your Mind Works (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Determining Author's Purpose (Reading) (Mid 6)
- Vocabulary about Speaking Up: Preview 1 (Reading) (Late 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Informational Texts About Getting Involved (Reading) (Late 6)
- Vocabulary about Speaking Up: Preview 2 (Reading) (Late 6)
- Evaluating Arguments (Reading) (Late 6)
- Vocabulary about Speaking Up: Assess (Reading) (Late 6)
- Comparing and Contrasting Story Genres (Reading) (Late 6)
- Comparing Stories and Poems (Reading) (Late 6)
- Comparing an Autobiography to a Biography (Reading) (Late 6)
- Vocabulary about Cultural Connections: Preview 1 (Reading) (Late 6)
- Building Sentence Comprehension: Understanding Literary Texts About Identity (Reading) (Late 6)
- Vocabulary about Cultural Connections: Preview 2 (Reading) (Late 6)
- Analyzing Poetry Structure (Reading) (Late 6)
- Vocabulary about Cultural Connections: Assess (Reading) (Late 6)
Extra Reading[]
- Determining Word Meaning Using Context Clues (Olive, G.O, Azul, Luna) (Reading) (Extra)
- Determining Word Meaning Using Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes (Olive, Axel, Pi, Pengo, Matrix) (Reading) (Extra)
- Using Print and Digital Reference Guides to Determine Word Meanings (Olive, G.O, Azul) (Reading) (Extra)
- Understanding the Relationship between Words (Olive, G.O, Azul) (Reading) (Extra)
Deleted Reading[]
- Understanding Plot in Literature (Bella, Beau, Dr. Cheeks) (Reading) (Deleted)